Here’s my video telling about fishing in Goa, India. The video shows what it is like to work as a fisherman on the beautiful beaches of Goa. This video comes without music or speak so be ready to listen to the actual seawaves for a whole 5 minutes and enjoy the ASMR experience.

But if you have only one minute, check the fishermen trailer!

Video about the Goan fishermen, a living sight

In the video you can see and hear how a Goan fishing boat sails off the coast at sunset and how the waves of the Arabian Sea are bubbling, sometimes calmer, sometimes more intense.

You see fishermen lowering their nets into the sea and you see how many men are needed to pull the nets back up from the Arabian Sea. You will also see and hear scurrying Indian prey fish as well as hungry birds flocking around a fishing boat.

After the fishing operation the fishing nets are spread on the beach to dry on the sand, after which the nets are cleared and stacked and possibly also patched. More than twenty men are needed to complete this task.

Also a few tourists, who are roaming around the fishing nets on the beach with their cameras, like me, are seen in this video. One of the tourists even offers to help and pull those nets back on the beach. And another one just makes a video. See it here now –

Goan fishermen at work

The Life and Work of Goan Fishermen: A Journey Beyond the Nets

Beyond the touristy facade of Goa lies a community deeply rooted in its traditional ways of life. At the heart of this cultural tapestry are the Goan fishermen, an integral part of Goa’s socio-economic and cultural landscape. Read more about the day-to-day lives of these fishermen, their traditional techniques, and the challenges they face in modern times –

Historical Context of fishing in Goa

Fishing in Goa dates back to ancient times when simple tools were used to catch fish for sustenance. Over the centuries, the community has refined its methods, adapting to the changing tides of technology and modernization. Yet, a significant portion still relies on traditional fishing methods that have been passed down through generations.

Techniques and Tools

Fishing in Goa is typically done using a range of methods, each unique to the types of fish they target and the conditions of the sea. The most common techniques include:

Net Fishing

This is the most widespread method and involves the use of various kinds of nets like dragnets, gillnets, and trawl nets. Dragnets are often deployed from the shore or from a stationary boat, and are especially useful for shallow-water fishing.

Line Fishing

Line fishing involves using a long fishing line with multiple hooks attached. It’s a method often used in deeper waters and usually requires a boat.

Pole and Line Fishing

This is the most traditional form of fishing, where a single line is attached to a pole. It is labor-intensive and often requires considerable skill.

Community and Culture

The fishermen usually go out to sea in groups, forming a close-knit community bound by mutual respect and dependence. The catch is often shared among the community and also sold at local markets. Festivals like the Feast of St. Peter, the patron saint of fishermen, are celebrated with much enthusiasm, involving boat races, dances, and communal meals.

Economic Importance

Fishing is not just a traditional activity; it’s an economic lifeline for many families in Goa. The fish caught contribute to local markets and are also exported to other states and countries. In addition, fishing indirectly supports other sectors like tourism, where seafood is a major attraction.

Modern Challenges for fishing in Goa

Despite the importance of fishing to the Goan community, it faces several challenges:


The increasing demand for seafood leeds to overfishing, depleting fish stocks and making it harder for local fishermen to maintain their livelihoods.

Environmental Pollution

Water pollution due to tourism and industrial activities affects the quality of the catch and, subsequently, the health of consumers.

Government Regulations

Strict regulations sometimes limit the areas where fishing is allowed, affecting the income of local fishermen.

The life and work of Goan fishermen offer a fascinating glimpse into a community where tradition and modernity coexist. As they navigate the waters, literally and metaphorically, their resilience and adaptability serve as a lesson for all of us. Their practices are not merely about catching fish; they are symbolic of a deeper connection to nature and a way of life that values community and sustainability. While modern challenges pose threats, they also offer opportunities for sustainable development, bringing hope that the legacy of the Goan fishermen will continue to thrive for generations to come.

You can read this post also in Finnish.

Read more about Goa as a travel destination from INDIVUE – Trip to Goa!

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