Last to last weekend, the annual celebration of cherry blossoms, known in Japan as Hanami, took place in the Roihuvuori Cherry Park in Helsinki. This event has become a beloved tradition, drawing thousands of visitors eager to witness the fleeting beauty of the cherry blossoms. Although only a few buds had blossomed into delicate pink flowers by Saturday, the atmosphere was far from dampened. The anticipation of the full bloom, coupled with the festive spirit, created an unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Video duration 20:52

Hanami 2024 celebrations in Helsinki, Finland

A Glimpse of Japanese culture in Helsinki

Hanami, which translates to “flower viewing,” is a traditional Japanese custom that dates back centuries. It involves gathering under blooming cherry trees, enjoying the transient beauty of the flowers, and celebrating with family and friends. This tradition has found a special place in Helsinki’s cultural calendar, particularly in the Roihuvuori district, where the cherry trees have been carefully cultivated to thrive in Finland’s climate.

The Roihuvuori Cherry Park: A Blossoming Oasis

Roihuvuori Cherry Park, established in 2007, has become the epicenter of Hanami celebrations in Helsinki. The park is home to approximately 200 cherry trees, creating a picturesque landscape that comes alive with color during the blooming season. The park’s design and the meticulous care of the trees reflect the Japanese aesthetic and philosophy, emphasizing harmony with nature.

The Celebration: A Blend of cultures

This year’s Hanami was marked by a blend of traditional Japanese and Finnish elements. Visitors enjoyed a variety of activities, including martial arts demonstrations, and performances of Japanese cosplay. Local food vendors offered a mix of Japanese and Finnish delicacies, allowing attendees to savor flavors from both cultures.

Families and friends spread out picnic blankets under the cherry trees, sharing homemade treats and store-bought delicacies. Despite the early stage of the bloom, the park was filled with laughter, music, and the joy of communal celebration. Children ran around, playing games, while adults relaxed and soaked in the serene beauty of the park.

Capturing the moment: A Personal experience

As a travel influencer and a photographer, I had the privilege of capturing the essence of Hanami in Roihuvuori. My video, which I have shared below, offers a glimpse into the vibrant festivities that filled the park. In the video, lasting 20 minutes and 50 seconds, I exceptionally provide an improvised commentary in English. The video encapsulates the spirit of Hanami and the unique cultural fusion that makes this event so special.

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