As I wrote with the trailer in 2016, the island of Suomenlinna near Helsinki offers a welcome break off from the everyday life of people in Finland. This tourist attraction, also known as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a great picnic environment by the sea alone or together with others, and a trip there does not cost more than a common public transport HSL ticket.

The video attached is a compilation of the Suomenlinna trips I made and photographed between the years of 2007 and 2016.

Since summer is the best time to spend in Suomenlinna and since this video focuses on Suomenlinna summertime, I will not tell you in this post how on a dark autumn evening the last ferry from Suomenlinna island to the city port may be full of people and how awful it can feel if an autumn storm hits the ferry in the dark. I will also not tell you how icy winds go on the island during the winter, when, for example, students of the Finnish Art School MAA walk daily along slippery cobblestone streets from Suomenlinna pier to their school at the other end of the island and later back to the pier. And how nasty it feels in winter to miss a ferry that runs an average of once an hour.

As the video reveals, Suomenlinna is probably at its most beautiful and picturesque in the summer evening, during sunset time.

This video is part of the work INDIVUE – Trip to Europe, which you can read in the link attached!

You can read this post also in Finnish.

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